Dear Parent

As you are aware the School recently underwent an Ofsted Inspection.  Since our 2011 inspection the format has been changed a number of times, with the last change taking place in January this year. 

The Ofsted team were most professional.  They rightly rigorously challenged our own self evaluation and yet worked with us.  I am pleased that they were able to recognise the hard work and commitment we all have to the pupils at Chawson First School.  The school came out with one ‘good’ and three ‘requires improvement’ grades, which resulted in an overall ‘requires improvement’ rating.  The four categories are broken down as follows:

·      Achievement of Pupils

·      Quality of Teaching

·      Behaviour and safety of pupils – ‘good’

·      Leadership and management

The inspection team has recognised that we are an improving school and we need to continue to make the changes we have made with greater consistency and more rapidly.  We have been recognised as having the following strengths:

· Reading is taught well across the school and pupils make strong progress as a result.

· Children make good progress in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

· The behaviour of the pupils is good. They are eager to learn. Pupils say they are well looked after, feel safe and well cared for in school.

· Disabled pupils and those with special educational needs and those eligible for additional funding (pupil premium) enjoy strong support. Their progress is better than that of other pupils.

· The headteacher has overcome a wide range of difficulties in the school, which were slowing progress in making improvements.  The now strengthened leadership team has a clear vision of how to improve the school and is driving change forward.

· The governing body knows the school well and is active in the school. The governors offer challenge that is helping the senior leadership team to improve the quality of teaching and the standards for pupils. Teachers’ performance is managed well and additional funding is used well.

We will never become complacent in aiming to achieve the best education possible for your children.  We are ever mindful of the importance of continuous improvement. As such the senior leadership team is currently working on an action plan to address the target areas identified by the Ofsted inspection. I would like to thank you, as always, for your support and to thank the head and deputy, staff, pupils and Governors for everything they do, without whom none of the improvements we have made would be possible.

Our full report will be on the school website by the end of today and will be on the Ofsted website - from Wednesday 27th March 2013.  If you would like a copy of the report they can be collected from the school office.

If you would like to make any comments please send a letter to school or email us at

Yours sincerely

Andrew Frapwell

Chair of Governors