famous artists

Leonardo da vinci

Leonardo da vinci was born more than 500 years ago[1452]in town called vinci in Italy.His full name was Leonardo di ser piero da vinci.And vinci -the da vinci means from town vinci thats how they named people back then!

vin van Gogh

vincent van gogh was born more than 150 years [1853] ago in zundert.Netherlands[dutch] And he had many jobs such as he vas working in a Art gallarey as a teacher in a bookstore as a preacher.Then around 1880 Theo his brother suggested he become a full time Artist.

pablo picasso

Pablo picasso was born more than 120 years ago [1881]in malaga spain .He is famous for bieng the co-founder of cubism which is a style of painting where objects of painting subject are broken up and re-painted in an abstract form.