Year 3 Home study


English homework is handed out every

Friday and is due back the following

Friday. This will be either in their SPAG book or in their homestudy book.


Maths homework is handed out every Friday and is due back the following Friday.

This will be some maths homework on the mymaths website and an activity in their homestudy book.

All children will have a home study book in which they will bring home every Friday with some English and Maths homework. At times they may have literacy or topic homework set on J2E., this could be a completion of an activity they started in school or some research.

.All children will have their login details for mymaths and J2E in their homestudy book.


Children need to make sure they have their

diaries in school everyday to record

their daily reading. They also have a

reading session with an adult on a Monday.

and any additional reading homework will be

set in their diaries on this day.


Our spelling test day is a Monday. However the children will be practising their spellings on a Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and so they will need their home spelling books with them on these days.