
What a super last week of the half term! Foundation 1 & 2 sang a beautiful version of the 'Dingle Dangle Scarecrow' to the rest of the school on Monday, during the Harvest Assembly. What a fantastic first performance! We are all now looking forward to rehearsing the nativity after the half term break. This week we shared the story 'Pumkin Soup' by Helen Cooper, the children then had a go at making some themselves in the cookery room. The children also loved 'The Hedgehogs Balloon' by Nick Butterworth and were fascinated by the corks that were used to cover the hedgehog's spikes. The story inspired the children to make their own hedghogs using a wide range of media, they look fantastic!

We also used some harvest vegetables to support maths in Foundation 1 and writing in Foundation 2, please take a look at the photos to see all the fun we had this week!


Recipe link coming soon...

We love to play word bingo with Mrs Mackie!

Look, we have made homes for

hedgehogs to hibernate in!

This week we had a special assembly and we met Eco the puppet who told us about ways to look after our planet.

In Foundation 2 we heard the story of Rama and Sita then we tried out bhangra dancing with Mrs Quadri, making diva pots out of playdough, colouring in rangoli patterns and making Diwali cards. We had so much fun!