'Jack & the Beanstalk'

We have had so much fun this week exploring the story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. Each child has planted a bean seed and we have been watching them carefully to spot any changes, we can safely say they were not magic beans as they have not yet begun to grow! In Maths this week Foundation 2 learned about number bonds to ten and Foundation 1 have measured their feet to find out who had the longest and who had the shortest. Together we have created a beanstalk for the role play area, each child has mixed yellow and blue paint to make their own shade of green for their leaf. Some children then helped Mrs Quadri to make the giants' legs, the role play area looks fantastic, what a super team!

Foundation 2 have begun to record the progress of the beans in a simple Bean Diary as well as writing the exciting parts of the story from our learning theme. We had lots of fun rehearsing our sentences before writing, we decided it would be good to sing them as well as say them in funny voices! The outdoor area is continuing to change, Mrs Leitch had some super help from the children this week and some of the herbs have now been planted, we look forward to watching this grow and develop.