Our theme this week is... "Mother's Day"

This week was a little bit special in Foundation. We have been busy making our Mother's Day gifts and preparing for our Mother's Day pamper morning on Friday. We can't show you too many photos of what we have been making though... it's a secret!

Instead have a look at some of the fantastic photos we managed to take during our pamper morning. We hope you all felt very special and enjoyed the morning as much as we did.

We think the grown ups loved dressing up in the 'Foundation Photo Booth' even MORE than the children.

We were able to do Mummy's hair and make-up for her. Some got away with it more than other!

We made our photo frame at our creative station.

Our Mummy's joined in with some parachute games in the hall.

At the end of the morning we sang 2 special Mother's Day songs.