Our theme this week is...

The Toy Shop!

This week was our first week back after the Christmas break. As it is a brand new year we have been thinking about goals that we can set for the year ahead. We had a very special activity where we kicked a football into a goal and thought about our own goals for the year! All the children had very wonderful ideas of what they would like to work on over the year, such as 'helping mummies and daddies with helping to clean the car', and 'always trying hard to share nicely with friends'. We are sure that the children will all be working towards these super goals all year!

This week we have also had a very fun Toy Shop in our role play area, we have a special till to make sure everybody can pay for their toys, and we even have real money to use!

Over the week we spent time writing special thank you letters to our families for our christmas presents! Then on friday we were lucky enough to walk down the the nearest postbox and post our letters! We were all very well behaved and we really enjoyed it!!