Sponsored Skip For British Heart Foundation
There is a sponsored skip coming up to raise loads of money that will go to a brilliant cause. All the money raised will go to the British Heart Foundation which is a charity that helps people who are very ill with heart related problems. 1 in 3 people are affected by a heart related illness. The money that you raise will go to buying life saving machines, fund research, medication, operations and specially trained nurses.

Please collect as much sponsorship money as you can because it is for a great cause!

We are very fortunate to have a brilliant bank in our school! Are you a saver or a spender? Have you thought about saving your money with our school bank for that special something?

The bank will open every other Wednesday starting from 24th November at 8.45 am (outside the library) So why don't you be a Cheswick Saver!
We would love to produce forthcoming issues of
Cheswick Goes Chatty in colour but we need your help!
If you would like to advertise your business
in our next edition of
the school magazine, for a small charge, please contact Mrs Mitchell
or Mrs Parker. This is a great opportunity to promote your
business and help us raise money
for future colour issues!





Do you have a great healthy recipe that your children love?
Then send it into school and your recipe could be chosen to
be served at lunchtime and appear in our Spring Magazine issue.