What's been happening in Year 3?
Over the last few weeks Year 3 have been working extremely hard in school and will like to share what they have been learning....

e have been finding out about the seaside resort of Llandudno and we have finally finished making our lighthouses....
I have enjoyed using mod roc,sticking it to the base, painting it and putting the circuit into it to make it light up. Jack


We also made our own clay plates about the seaside....My clay plate had a fish on it, I wrote Llandudno under it.I enjoyed painting it and finally we are ready to varnish it. Mia

Llandudno was a famous Victorian resort still is to this day... Do you think our posters would have persuaded you to visit Llandudno?

Before half term we learnt to write our own reports. We read lots of different reports and then I went
home and wrote 3 report about sharks.We also wrote reports about
under the sea.We had a choice what
sea creature we could write about. It was fun!! EZRA

We have been designing posters to protect The Great Orme |Country Park in Llandudno.

Two times a week we have a times-table test and we have to answer 26 sums in 6 minutes. My fastest time is 1 minute 29 seconds! I am on my mixed 2x5x10x...It's not easy!! Hamish

ERIC happens everyday (that means Everybody Reading in Class) I think I have really improved my reading.I try to read everyday. We designed new book covers. Ben