Cheswick Green Primary School Questionnaire

1. The school has a happy and pleasant atmosphere.

2. The school provides a safe environment for my child.

3. I am made to feel welcome when I come into school.

4. I find it easy to approach the school with questions and issues regarding my child.

5. The school expects my child to work hard and achieve his or her best.

6. Staff and pupils respect and trust each other.

7. The school is well led and managed.

8. Parents are encouraged to play an active part in the life of the school.

9. Letters and emails from school are helpful and informative.

10. School reports and parent evenings keep me well informed about how my child is getting on.

11. My child is making good progress at school.

12. Pupils get help and support to do their best.

13. My child gets the right amount of work to support learning at home.

14. The school provides an interesting range of activities, clubs and sports outside lessons.

15. My child likes school.

16. My child is treated fairly at school.

17. My child is happy at playtimes and lunchtimes.

18. My child does not have a problem with bullying/or exclusion by his/her peers.

19. Behaviour in the school is good or better.

20. School buildings are kept in good order.

21. The school is well thought of in the local community.

22. The governors are a visible part of the school team.

23. The Headteacher or a senior leader is available to support parents.

24. What are we doing well?

25. What could we do better?

Please answer the following questions by clicking the box at the end of each question and selecting your answer.

When you have finished click the "send" button at the very bottom of this form.

Click on the Send button to submit your answers. Thank You