rectangle Year 4 s Life Saving Light Facts!!
Today, Year 4 are trying to help Elgor get light into the cupboard under the stairs without taking the torch inside!!

We have learnt lots of interesting light facts to help Elgor in the story (he has a horrible, spooky guest house!)here are some of them:

light-bulb-glowing-filament-ahd[1]22334.jpg (19754)
ork-share the light facts with your parents. Reflect on all the things we have helped Elgor with over the past few weeks...what has been your favourite and why...? What did you learn?
Remember to use your 'blog name' and we'll share these in class next week!
star star star the retina reflects  the image on the optical cord  and then sends to the brain  to get  turned around   and then you see the image    the  eye is egg shaped    the lens reflects the image on the retina    by cool cat Did you know that after a minute  in the dark your eyes will get  used to the dark.  Things that you can see through are  called transparent like a window  and stuff you can`t see through are opaque. Girls Aloud  you see with your eyes. above is an eyebrow. I need glasses to help me see. by bazil
Light can reflect off mirrors at an angle
and can reappear on your right or left, or even
in another room.


Today i have learned about your eye and about the insides of your eye and the outside of your eye. they're are many parts of your eye e.g pupil,iris,optic nerve,lens and the retina.