star Persuasive Writing
In class this week we looked at types of persuasive writing in. We decided that some words were used in adverts to make products that are sold, look good.
Retroid Styling! Cool !! NEW !!
Sometimes words and phrases are invented so that they sound cool. Do you notice any like that on this page?
Your Mission. Seek out and find persuasive words and phrases used in advertising. Fill in the form below and send it to your mission controller by pressing the send button. If you are a ZZZ rated agent, or higher, you are qualified to invent your own. Find as many as you can and complete the form each time. GO! This mission will self destruct on click!
When completed the intelligence will be sent by secure j2e-mail to your teacher.
Agent Name
Persuasive Word or Phrase
Persuasion scale
What product was being advertised
Where was it being advertised
For ZZZ, or higher, rated agents only
My invented powerfully persuasive phrase or word
Send to your controller
The best agent will be upgraded to status.
Particularly Powerful Agents communicate well by writing and speaking.
We will analyse the results using a spreadsheet in ICT
Watch the Bourne Ultimatum
remix by Laua Shoe