Good morning
Be back
alt: beback.mp3
Does the sound play?
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If you could give me more information it would be good.
Operating System
Browser - Internet Explorer6 or 7,
Firefox, Safari - please type in.
Please add you email contact if you are happy
to give me more information if needed  

Hope you can help. I am using software from to upload MP3 files and make web pages - hopefully this will give schools an easy way to upload MP3s produced by children. However on some machines the sound does not play - it seems to be some combination of Operating System / Browser. I don't know how much of a problem this is likely to be. Can you fill in the form below to let me know if it works / does not work on your machine? Thanks Malcolm R

How to put sounds into j2e by browsing How to put sounds into j2e using drag and drop
All done using j2e - Magic

"Any sufficiently advanced technology has the appearance of witchcraft"

Arthur C. Clarke
Make of computer
Sound test