Where in the World?
star star star star star star star star star
your answers to your teacher when you have finished
How to use this. This has been saved in HTML at www.j2e.com/mratcliffe/WorldQuiz/
Click to open the link or type the URL into your browser. It should open in a web page without the j2e editing tools showing. You can choose your answers and type in your name. When you click on the send button it will be sent to my CSV file. At the moment I cannot automatically 'mark' your answer and reply - but I hope this will be available one day.

To modify this in order to get results sent to your file (see form results on the LHS) you need to save the j2e file, delete the send button and save. Then use the 'add object' button (zig-zag line) and click on 'push button'. This sends, in its default state, an email to your registered j2e address with the answers, and adds the answers to the CSV file. Save as HTML.
m.rat42@ at@ btinternet.com


Map from Wikipedia Commons
How to use this. Go to www.j2e.com/mratcliffe/WorldQuiz/
Below is a world map. What are the 10 countries shown by the stars?