
Ofsted Data Dashboard

KS1 2014

Ofsted Data Dashboard

KS2 2014

Latest Ofsted Report

2-3 December 2015

"Teachers have high expectations of what pupils should achieve and how well they should behave."

"Pupils make good progress in reading, writing and mathematics."

"Key to the school's success is the determined drive of the Headteacher and senior leaders to improve the progress that all pupils make."

"The curriculum is well balanced and interesting."

"Staff are enthusiastic. They establish good relationships with pupils and build pupils' confidence in their own ability."

"The most-able pupils do well because they receive work that is well matched to their ability."

"There are good opportunities for pupils to take on responsibilities. They talk about enthusiasm about their role as digital leaders and the responsibility they have to post blogs on the school website."

"Pupils actively engage in promoting healthy lifestyles and addressing environmental issues such as graffiti."

Click on the button below to see the whole report.