My Maths is an interactive online resource to support children's learning in Mathematics.

All children at Sandfield Close have access to this resource.

Follow the link to My Maths. The details for Sandfield Close are

login: sandfield1

password: Your child's teacher will give them the password for Sandfield Close.

Each child has been issued with their own personal unique log in to enable them to access homework activities. It will allow your child's teacher to track your child's activity.

Children should keep their username and password secret and only share it with their parents. (This is part of our commitment to teaching children how to use the internet safely and protect personal data.)

Pupil Learning Websites

Sumdog is an interactive online resource to support children's learning in Mathematics and Reading.

We encourage all children to access Sumdog at home to support their learning. Sumdog adapts the level of difficulty based on your child's performance and so meets the learning needs of all our children. The highest levels are appropriate for secondary school students so Sumdog will continue to provide an appropriate level of challenge for our most able Year 6 children.

The Mathematics activities will give a real boost to your child's mental arithmetic skills. If you want additional Maths homework for your child, encourage them to use Sumdog. The school will monitor usage and progress.

The Reading activities are designed to increase reading fluency and promote accurate grammar.

All children at Sandfield Close have access to this resource.

Type sumdog into your browser or follow the link to Sumdog.

The school code for Sandfield Close is: scps

Username and password: All children have been issued with a unique username and password.

Each child is assigned  their own personal unique log in to enable them to access the Sumdog games to support their learning at home. It will allow your child's teacher to track your child's activity.

Children should keep their username and password secret and only share it with their parents. (This is part of our commitment to teaching children how to use the internet safely and protect personal data.)