Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Grant

For the last four years, the government has been giving schools an increasing amount of money for the Pupil Premium Grant.

This year we will receive an additional £1,300 for every child who has been eligible for free school meals in the last six years and £1,900 for every child who is a looked after child or who was a looked after child and has now been adopted (school need to be informed about this).

Whilst being eligible for free school meals or being looked after does not mean that a child will not succeed in school, nationally this group under-achieve. The money is for schools to use to close this under-achievement gap. It is not allocated to each individual child but is a pot of money each school can use as they think best.

This year the school will receive £65,000. The money will be used to subsidise trips, swimming and after school clubs for children in receipt of FSM.  In addition the monies are used to buy resources and employ staff to support our subsidised activities. Last Year the Pupil Premium grant was spent in the same way.

Click on the link below to see performance data for the last three years showing attainment and progress data for our PPG eligible children.

Pupil Premium Data