The purpose of the policy is to ensure that there is clarity over those items which the school will provide free of charge and for those items where there may be a charge.

The school day is defined as: 8:40 – 11:45 and 1:00 - 3:10 for YrR and KS1; 8:40 – 12:00 and 1:00 – 3:10 for KS2.  The midday break does not form part of the school day.

The Headteacher will ensure that staff are familiar with and correctly apply the policy. The Governors will review the policy regularly.

Policy statement
It is the aim of our school that all educational visits offered should enhance the curriculum, enriching the children's knowledge and understanding. During the school day all activities that are a necessary part of the National Curriculum plus religious education will be provided free of charge.  This includes any materials, equipment and transport to take pupils between the school and the activity. It can exclude charges made for teaching an individual pupil or groups of any appropriate size (provided that the size of the group is based on sound pedagogical principles) to play a musical instrument or to sing.

Voluntary contributions may be sought for activities during the school day which entail additional costs, for example swimming.

In these circumstances no pupil will be prevented from participating because his/her parents cannot or will not make a contribution. If insufficient funds are available it maybe necessary to curtail or cancel activities.  The school will make this clear to parents when arranging the activity.

Optional activities outside of the school day
We may charge for optional, extra activities provided outside of the school day, for example football club, theatre visits.   These activities are those which are not

·  part of the National Curriculum;

·  part of a syllabus for a prescribed public examination that the pupil is being prepared for at the school; or

·  part of religious education

Parents will be charged for board and lodgings during residential Visits.   When parents are informed about forthcoming residential visits they will be notified that those who can prove they are in receipt of the following benefits will be exempt from paying the cost of board and lodging:
Income support;
Income Based Job Seekers Allowance;
Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999;
Child Tax Credit, provided that Working Tax Credit is not also received and the family’s income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs) does not exceed £15,575 (Financial Year 2008/09)
The guarantee element of State Pension Credit; and
An income related employment and support allowance that was introduced on 27th October 2008

Calculating charges
When charges are made for any activity, whether during or outside of the school day, they will be based on the actual costs incurred, divided by the total number of pupils participating. There will be no levy on those who can pay to support those who can't or won’t. Support for cases of hardship will come through the school’s delegated budget, school fund or voluntary donations.

Any parent known to have financial difficulties may be invited to discuss the matter with the Headteacher so that an appropriate solution based on individual circumstances can be made.

Any subsidy provided by the School will be met from the school’s delegated budget, school fund or voluntary donations.  Contributions for entrance fees are refundable if any child is absent on the day of the visit, however, coach fares cannot be refunded.

The principles of best value will be applied when planning activities that incur costs to the school and/or charges to parents.

Voluntary Contributions
Nothing in this policy statement precludes the School Governing Body from inviting parents to make voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or in support of any school activity, whether during or outside school hours. Any contributions sought will be entirely voluntary and
pupils will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents make a contribution in response to any invitation.

Breakages and Damage to School Property
The School Governing Body reserves the right to seek reparation from parents where their children cause breakages or damage to school property.

This Policy reflects updated DCSF Guidance January 2009

Sections 449-462 of the Education Act 1996
Chawson First School

Charging and Remission Policy