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Home learning project

Dear Parents / Guardians,

This half term we will be looking at the science topic of ‘Moving and Growing’ and finding out all about the names of the bones in the human skeleton, why we have skeletons and the role of muscles. For the children’s home learning project they can choose what they would like to do but we would like them to include a piece of writing. Here are some ideas for what they could do:
1) Create a non-fiction booklet all about skeletons of animals and or humans. Think about how you would set out your non-fiction writing.
2) Write a story that has a skeleton in. Your main characters could be the skeletons or the problem could involve a skeleton that comes to life (Like our Howard Carter story). What sort of adventure might your characters go on? Include lots of detail and VCOP.
3) Make a model of a skeleton and label the bones/ write about the characteristics or facts.
4) Create some skeleton art using drawing or collage. This could be a picture created from bone shapes or a new type of animal. Please use what you are learning in school to help you complete your project as well as any extra research you are able to do at home to help you add more detail.

Please bring your homework into school on the week beginning Tuesday 14th April. Families are then very welcome to come along and share all our fabulous work at our Homework Showcase on Monday 20th April at 2:45.

Happy Learning Year 3 Staff