Year One Parents Information Meeting

Aim of meeting:
Our aim is to provide a smooth transition from reception to year 2.

Year one is an important year for the children as it is the year in which the children move from working at the Early Learning  Goals to the national curriculum.
It is important that the children have a gentle transition from the provision offered in the foundation stage towards the whole class lesson approach in year two. This letter hopefully will give you an idea of the ways we try to guide your children from one to another as gently as possible so that the children continue to love school and fulfil their learning potential.

The learning environment .

Stimulating environment
Every effort is made to make the classrooms stimulating, bright and inviting so that the children want to be there. We want them to come to school and think WOW-what are we doing today?

Classroom areas
At the start of year one the classrooms are organised and set out to resemble a reception classroom. There are different learning areas set out within the classroom which provide opportunity for the children to learn through play such as role play areas/creative areas/ quiet corners for reading, writing areas/ construction/sand/water/ Computers etc. as they would find in their reception classrooms. These areas will continue throughout year one but by the summer term the children will work at desks more frequently in preparation for year 2.

Making new friends
The children will have plenty of opportunity at the start of year one to choose activities – this will give them opportunity for playing together in an informal setting and let them make new friends and get to know their new classmates.

Supported learning – small group work
For much of year one most teacher led activities will take the form of small group work giving the teacher time to get to know the children and move the children`s learning along at a speed suitable for them. Towards the end of year one most lessons will be whole class based but the children will be grouped by ability so that each child can reach their learning potential.

Establishing routines
The very beginning or the year is about establishing routines so that the children feel comfortable in their environment , know what is expected of them and they can feel safe and comfortable.


Topic based approach
We follow a topic based approach to learning. We generally follow a topic for 3 to 6 weeks at a time and most of our learning in literacy/ maths and other subjects are usually related to this topic.

We will provide you with an outline of our topics each term so that you can follow these through at home if you wish.

Practical work
Much of the children`s learning is practical.  The children do have a writing and a maths book which will come home at the end of the year but most work is practical particularly at the beginning of the year and evidence will be recorded in photos where possible.

National Curriculum
As the children reach the end of the ELGs they will follow the national curriculum . They will be taught all the usual subjects – science /RE    art/music/history/ICT/DT/geography/ PSHE etc as well as a daily entitlement to maths and literacy.

Outdoor learning
We have several main outdoor learning areas - Year one outdoor area at the front of the building ,  Boot camp (forest school) and the sand areas on the back playground.

Developing positive attitudes and independence

Rewards – we believe in positive praise and encourage this through sticker books/certificates/treasure/verbal praise/team stickers.

Attendance – good attendance and punctuality create an understanding that school and learning are valued by parents and teachers.

Star of the day – we have two stars of the day each day . These children have special jobs and responsibilities which  help them to feel important and encourage a sense of responsibility..

Personal organisation –children are encouraged to be as independent as possible such as taking responsibility for changing reading books, remembering water bottles and jumpers etc.

Role of parent

Providing support – making sure your child is wearing the correct school uniform and has PE kits , wellies for boot camp, etc. in school at the right time.

Developing  independence –making sure your child can dress themselves etc.

Help with learning at home. Reading books /Home work/Learning words/Games /library

Fit for school

Making sure your child has had enough sleep

Breakfast/ healthy lunchboxes

Be calm –helping to have  a good start to the day.

Show an interest in what your child is learning at school.

Home/school communication

Before/after school .
Informing us of any thing that may affect child.
(between 8.30 and 8.40 or 3.20 -3.30) is better than trying to catch us when the children are coming in or out of the classroom)

J2e websites  - find out about your child`s class on the Chawson web site.
Termly topic letter

Information displayed in classroom windows.

Trip/event letters – there will be a trip to Avoncroft in the Summer term for which we will be asking for paid contributions (usually around £10), and also a trip to St. Nicholas church which will be free.