Hickory Dickory Dock

All of the children loved their first session in the cookery room this week, baking some delicious mouse shaped biscuits. Next week should also be lots of fun as we are baking currant buns, we hope there will be spares! Here are just some of the other fun things we have been up to this week: Working together in groups the children made a large grandfather clock for the role play area, complete with a sparkly pink mouse. The role play area has also been adorned with all of the children's fantastic challenge contributions, making it a bright and fun place to play. The children have been very curious about the different egg timers and have been content to watch the sand fall through, which then of course developed into; whose sand fell through the quickest! In Foundation 2 we have been learning about the numbers on an analogue clock as well as telling the time to the hour. This has proved very useful when the children are starting to get hungry near to lunch time...In addition the children have been using a range of materials to make their own 2D or 3D mouse. Plus our usual weekly sessions. We can't wait for next week!