P.T.A &
Cheswick Green Primary School, Cheswick Way, Shirley Solihull B90 4HG
01564703336 Fax: 01564 702074
Week Beginning 12th May 2014
'Keeping safe in our home' is very important and there
are lots of dangers we need to look out for in order
to do so. Each morning this week we have been
playing an interactive 'Spot the Hazard' game on
the interactive white board; we took a tour around a
boy called Sam's house, circling any dangers we could
We have been looking closely at the different warning
signs we may see around us, discussing what each one
means. We were then able to make our own triangular
hazard signs which we then stuck on to lollipop sticks
and took home.
We made toasties this week filled with either cheese or
ham, some even chose both. The kitchen smelt
Cheswick Green has been visited by Nisha
from 'Food Dudes' to introduce F2 to a new fruit and
vegetable related initiative this week.
Click Here to find out more.