Year 6 Autumn 2
Analyse and Interpret Data using Spreadsheets
Year 6 Autumn 2
Analyse and Interpret Data using Spreadsheets
Week 1
Skill- To create formulae using cell references, including a range of cells to reproduce calculated data
Bevan's game points work
Shanaya's Fibonacci sequence
Zayan's race points work
Week 2-
Skill- Create formulae using the four basic maths
functions (+, -, x, ÷) and cell addresses where
appropriate, using brackets to order mathematical operations
Week 3
Skill- Apply appropriate number and text formats to cells. Remove and add data to a spreadsheet and adjust formulae where required. Use the
spreadsheet model to answer questions that model real-life events.
Week 4
Skill- Design and create systems and content that accomplish given goals, including: collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information; Work with variables and various forms of input and output.