Scream Machine!

Thursday 22nd January - Year 6 trip to the source of the River Towy.

23rd to 27th March - Our residential visit to Pendine Outdoor pursuit Centre.

February 9th to 13th - Year 6 will be undertaking Cycling Proficiency activities, to improve their bike control and overall awareness of cycling safely on public roads.

Friday 27th February - Saint David's Day performance in Carmarthen.

5-Day Weather Forecast

Terrific Talents

There are many sport fanatics in Year 6, who play football rugby and cricket. Many of these learners are active members of local sports teams and clubs.

We have one particular pupil in Year 6 who has recently been selected for the District rugby squad, and continues to impress in all of his matches. This pupil has recovered from an illness in recent years, which could have ended his playing career before it had even begun. His determination and refusal to give up has resulted in this call up to the District side. A fantastic achievement!

There are also county cricketers in Year 6. They have consistently performed well in their club matches, which has resulted in call up to the county side.

Furthermore, there are numerous pupils in Year 6 who attend a drama club called Mini Players. This group are currently rehearsing for a performance of Beauty and the Beast.

Forthcoming Events in Year 6

At the start of their final year in Johnstown School, the fabulous Year 6 pupils started learning about roller coasters and forces. Their first piece of work for the theme, Scream Machine, was a poem about roller coasters.

After that they paid a visit to Carmarthen Park, to see forces in action. Fun with Forces, was the name of the organised event. A lady came in to talk to the learners, teaching them how to build a K’Nex roller coaster. Kindly, Mrs Davies, the teacher in 6D, bought her class some K’Nex, so if it was wet on the yard/field, they could get a box of K’Nex and throw together some creations.

A few weeks later, 6D and 6L started work on a booklet. The entries were about different kinds of forces, such as gravity, air resistance and friction.

By the end of the theme, they built our own coaster out of good ol’ K’Nex! At first, they did not know what they were building, and all they had were the parts that they could use to build their roller coaster. After they completed their masterpiece, they were able to share their creation in class and the learners all evaluated each other's fabulous designs.
