Welcome to Nursery Class Page

This term our topic is 'Tell me a Story'

Nursery Staff - Mrs Bull

Mrs Kaminaris

Class Dojo - Please contact me during school hours on Class Dojo.

Nursery school day begins at 8.40 am and finishes at 11.40 am.

Please inform us if your child is being picked up by anyone other than yourself.

Please ensure your child has a labelled pair of wellies in school for outdoor activities.

Snack is £10 per term. Please send money into office in a labelled envelope.

Name labelling - Please ensure all clothes are labelled, particularly jumpers and cardigans.

PE - PE is on Monday morning, children to wear dark joggers and Newton school PE t-shirt.

Please inform the school office if you child is absent.

Click on circle to view Autumn Term 1 Planning

Click on circle to view Autumn Term 2 Planning