
Literacy -

Can you think of something that you would like to find in a pot

at the end of a rainbow? Can you draw a picture of it in a pot or download this one here?

Reception - Can you write a sentence under your picture to describe what it is you would like to find? Try and do this as independently as possible. Remember to use your known tricky words and your sound mat to help spell unknown words.

Nursery - Can you tell an adult what you have drawn so they can annotate your picture? Can you write your name at the bottom

of your work?

Maths - Raindrop maths

Reception - Can you practise your adding?

Ask an adult to set up an activity like this. Complete the

sums by adding the correct amount of raindrops to the cloud.

Nursery - Can you practise your number recognition? Ask an adult to set up a similar activity to the one above, but with numbers 1-10 on each cloud. Can you finger paint the correct raindrops?

Welsh - Colours

Can you learn

the colours of the

rainbow song in


Can you go on an

indoor or outdoor

colour hunt and

create a rainbow.

Don't forget to

use your Welsh!

Click here to take you to

the activity.

Thursday 23rd April