Literacy -

Nursery - Can you practise writing your name? Maybe you could use chalks and write your name on a patio or wall. Maybe you could use lots of different coloured pens and create a rainbow name. Or maybe write your name with water!

Reception - Can you practise your tricky words by playing this eye spy game? You don't need to print it off, you can play it on the computer and write the words in your book. (Courtesy of 'Twinkl')


Friday 1st May

Maths - Money

Nursery - Can you give the flowers the correct amount of petals? Click on the picture for a template or make your own.

Reception - Can you complete this worksheet by adding

the amounts? Don't worry about printing off the

worksheet, use real coins instead!

P.E. - Time to Move 'Spring in the Garden'

Have fun!
