
Wednesday 3rd June

Literacy -

Can you read the story again?



Can you create your own story called Yum! Use JiT Mix to create your story about the foods you like to eat.

Nursery - Can you select or draw the food you like? Can you tell me your story by recording it using the speaker icon? You can ask a parent to type your story too!

Reception - Can you use the food word bank to help write your sentences? Ask an adult to show you how to create a capital letter for the beginning of your sentence.

Maths - Taking away

Warm up - Can you listen and join in with this number song?

Nursery - Can you play this game to practise 1 more & 1 less.

If you are unable to print, recreate your own game using the frogs you made, Lego, building blocks or counters. Then write some cards to turn over with 1 more and 1 less.

Reception - Can you continue your work on number bonds of 5 by subtracting from 5? Complete this frog number story

activity. The first sum has been done for you.

Topic - Frogs!

Yesterday you found out about frogs! Today can you create this paper plate frog which will show some interesting facts about them?

1) Frogs have long sticky tongues to catch their food.

2) Frogs have big, bulging eyes so they can see all

around them. They can not turn their heads like us!

3) Frogs have long back legs to help them hop and swim

fast. This helps them to catch their prey and to

escape a predator.

Read my story here!

Click on the picture for instructions.