
Remind the children of the features of the Titanic posters they have looked at. They are going to create their own using J2e5.


Children can save their work enabling the teacher to assess what they have produced after the lesson. The work can also be blogged. The children can then peer assess and leave comments. In order for the children to do this, the work will need to be moderated by the teacher. Children’s comments can quickly and easily be approved as the children write them. (see ‘How to blog’)

Titanic poster


Task 1

Find some pictures that you would like to use for your poster and experiment with positioning them on your page, resizing them etc.

Stop the class

Show the children how to access the writing tool. Click on the capital A at the right hand side. The text can be moved wherever you want, resized and turned at an angle. You also have access to the usual features for changing text-underline, change font and resize.

Task 2

Experiment with creating a heading and some text for your poster using the above features.

Follow up Lesson(s)

Children can edit their work based on the comments received and look at the work of their peers.(see below)

Learning Outcomes

All children: will produce a poster with a picture of the ship, a main heading and some simple text.

Most children: will produce a poster with a picture of the ship, a main heading, subheadings and some text.

Some children: will produce a poster with a picture of the ship, a main heading, subheadings and detailed text encouraging people to buy a ticket.

Cross curricular links

History, computing


Titanic posters (use an Internet search)

Main Activities

Show the children how to find pictures. Click on the pictures icon at the top. Choose from ’My pictures’ which are from your own bank of pictures, google pictures(these have a filter to only search for pictures that indicate that the copyright allows modification and redistribution), shared pictures and upload. This final choice allows the user to upload pictures from their computer. Any picture dragged onto the page can be modified in a similar way to text. Anything on the page can be layered in any order using the layering tools on the bottom right.


This lesson could be part of a planned topic on the Titanic. The children will be creating an advert for a trip on the Titanic. They will be using j2e5 to enable them to produce persuasive text in the form of an advert, to sell their product.

The children will have had the opportunity to look at some of the original Titanic advertising posters and discuss common features.

Learning Objectives

To write for different purposes