LeBron didn't eat sugar, carbs, or dairy for 67 straight days this summer. He subsisted on meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables — and lost a startling amount of weight in the process. It's a modified version of a paleo diet, the fad diet in which people eat as humans did thousands of years ago. LeBron didn't eat sugar, carbs, or dairy for 67 straight days this summer. He subsisted on meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables — and lost a startling amount of weight in the process. It's a modified version of a paleo diet, the fad diet in which people eat as humans did thousands of years ago.
This summer LeBron James slimmed down, losing some 15 pounds to ready himself for the upcoming season. His secret? Cutting carbs. The approach is nothing new: Two years ago, Dr. Cate Shanahan helped the Los Angeles Lakers switch from high-carb to low-carb and become so-called fat-burners, meaning that their bodies burns fat as a primary fuel, instead of carbohydrate. It's a fast way to lose weight while keeping muscle, a move that can help prevent injuries and boost energy reserves for players — and everyone else.

From: Eliza and Sebe