On Saturday evening, everybody was drinking and partying when danger occured in the
lighthouse. the bright light shinning went out like a stealthy ninja. the scared deverstated
lighthouse keeper heard a boat coming.
The lighthouse keeper, who is called Timmy, told me that his heart was filled with fear. He was reading all alone in his office at 6:00 pm when he noticed the light had gone.he rushed up the stairs in a flash with his bright lantern. The lighthouse keeper told me that he has never been more frightened in my life.
Timmy opened the door and decided to take the bulb but he tripped over and SMASH! the bulb was all in pieces. He was deverstated. he heard a boat coming quickly.
suddernly he heard a knock and he told me he was happy to see the people.everybody had there latern and shot a beam of light so the boat can see. One of the townspeople said "i heard a lound bang so i got all my latnterns and went to the lighthouse.