Year 3 and 4 will be learning all about Wales this term. We will be learning about the geographical features of Wales and developing our mapping skills. Counties, towns and cities will be explored and compared to our own locality of Loughor. Children will be engaged in many curriculum area activities, including Welsh poetry, Welsh artists (visiting Glyn Vivian Art Gallery), myths and legends, Welsh folk dancing and learning about landmarks in Wales. Children will be encouraged to draw upon their prior knowledge of their locality and beyond, in order to develop skills in all curriculum areas.

Throughout the term, children will be exploring current affairs and events within Wales and use this within discussion and persuasive writing. We will be learning about sustainability and the importance in local awareness. In addition to this Science aspect, we will also be looking into wildlife in our locality and will be exploring the interdependence of organisms within different environments.

At Casllwchwr, we believe that there is no better approach to learning, than that of 'real life' experiences. If your family have any resources, expertise or links to the above aspects or indeed any other points of interest based on the topic of Wales, please contact Mrs Jones, Mr Sandles or Mrs Williams.

PE sessions (Year 4) - Our indoor session will take place on a Thursday (as usual) and for this half term, our outdoor session (football) will now be held on a Monday pm.

PE sessions (Year 3) Outdoor session (football) on Monday PM. Other session to be confirmed.

PLEASE ensure that your child has PE kit on the appropriate days.

Kind Regards,

Year 3/4 team