Great White Shark and its Habitat

The great white sharks also known as white pointer, white shark or white death, are the most feared sharks. They inspire me to learn about their habitat, which is the ocean. Great white sharks live in many parts of the world, usually near coasts where there are many fishes to eat. These sharks can grow more than 6 metres long. They weigh almost 2 tons. Their snout is pointed and cone-shaped. Great white sharks are superpredators with powerful jaws. They have large, triangular pointy teeth. They have a streamlined body as an adaptation to swim fast so that they can catch their prey easily. Their diet includes carious fishes, marine mammals like seals and even small whales. White sharks are curious creatures. Being a predator, these sharks can smell, taste, hear and see very well. They can also sense vibrations and electrical impulses in the water. Great white sharks are feared because they are perceived as killers. However sharks rarely attack people, and when they do so, it is because they mistake a swimmer, diver or surfer for a seal or another prey.