Roman Timeline

In 55 BC,

Julius Caesar

heads first Roman

Invasion but later


In 43 AD, Romans

invade and Britain

becomes part of

the Rman Empire.

In 50 AD,

London was


In 61 AD, Boudicea leads the Iceni in revolt against the Romans.

In 70 AD, the Romans conquer the Wales and the North.

In 122-128 AD,Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the Scottish Border.

In 140 AD, Romans conquer Scotland.

In 209 AD, St Alban becomes the 1st Christian martyr.

In 306 AD, Constantine the Great is felled the Emperor at York.

In 350 AD, the Picts and Scots attack the border.

In 401-410 AD, theRomans withdraw from Britain.

The original town of London.

Hadrian's wall.