
Finally, the civil servants actually got paid- by tax! Every two sessions of microsociety in trading everyone pays ten stoof so all the civil servants can be paid ( 40 stoof each). Today, a company found their slime pirts stolen, and came to the police. Another police and I investigated, the person had 14 pots but when she was going to take her slime to be sold, only 6 were left , 8 were gone.Although the one company's slime was stolen not many people were prepared to sell, not much money was made.

Apart from that, everything was running smoothly. Now, people had started to borrow money from the bank, spent it and didnt even have any money to pay them back! So, as a society we agreed loans from the bank is only for tax use and can only take two loans at a time. Additionally, people have started to swap money from the bank, for example: a fifty stoof note for give ten stoof notes. These swaps were made if you needed to pay for something less than the note you already have, but you want to keep your rest of the money and not pay extra so you swap so you can pay, fairly.

Thanks for reading, hope you have enjoyed