Passengers were separated into 1st, 2nd and 3rd class. The first class tickets cost £870. That's £75000 in our modern money!

On the 14th of April 1912, the Titanic receives warnings from other ships about drifting ice, but the decided to still power on a full speed.

Suddenly, the lookout crew spotted an iceberg in the Titanic's path. The ship could not steer around in time.

12 Noon 10th April

1912, the Titanic

set sail on it's journey

from Southampton to

New York City.

At 11:40 pm 14th April there was a collision! The hull of the boat was damaged and filling up with water.The crew was not prepared for this as the boat was meant to be 'unsinkable'. They alerted the passengers and prepared the life boats.

At 2:20 am 15th April the ship was rapidly sinking and eventually broke in half!