
Dear diary,

What an exhausting day it has been.For a start Dineo i

money to pay the doctor.So I have decided to walk all the way to johannasburg and find Mma to get the money.A lovely lady gave me and Tiro sweet potatoes and water for the journey.We walked along a dirt track out of the village and we rushed through a town because we didn't want to run into a police man.We came to a tarmac road and burnt our feet because we don't have shoes.we then arrived at a orange orchard and me and Tiro crept under the wire and took a few oranges. I was just creeping back under the wire again when I heard a shout ."Hey get back here."I froze,before I knew what was happening I was dragged back under the wire.I looked up and was relived to see it was a black worker."What are you doing?" "were hungry we need food."That night the worker let us sleep there amongst the orange sacks.This is where I am writing these words. Naledi

s sick,she's came over with a fever.We need