Charles Darwin Fact File

Charles Darwin was a nature/naturalist on a ship named the 'H.M.S Beagle'. He made spescial and importanat discoveries which led to him making 'The Theory Of Evolution'.He found his main discovery on the 'Galapagos Islands'.

On his expedition he found his main evidence of Evolution. He found 13 different type Finch on 'The Galapagos islands', wich all had different sized beaks. His idea was that they need to adapt to their environment else they would die off and the population would not grow stronger. He also looked and studied Ape's, Chimp's and Monkey's and he found out they had 'Human - like features'. This lead to him saying that we were evolved from Monkey's.

Charles started off in Medical school, but he wanted to study nature as he loved it. It was what he wanted to do for the rest of his life!

By Lily

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