Monty Booij

The Greek Myth of Icarus and Daedalus

The boy who flew too high and did not listen to his father.

More than 4000 years ago there was an architect called Daedalus he was also a

artist and master craftsman. He built two sets of wings for him and his son to escape the island of Crete and return to Athens. He built the wings from wax and feathers. Daedalus built wings

so him and his son could fly back to there real home. Daedalus said do not fly too high or too low or you will get into trouble. Icarus did obey his father for a while, but then he started to fly around and have fun. After a minute, he flew too high and the wax on his wings started to melt and the feathers came off and he fell into the sea. He had to swim back to Crete and his father flew back guiding him to the island. When they arrived back they were in deep trouble and they were put in jail for trying to escape. But they were happy to be together but sad that they had not managed to return to Athens. Icarus had learnt his lesson, to always listen to his father.