The Blue Tang!

What do Blue Tangs look like?

Blue Tangs have blue and yellow fins, blue, black and white

body. They are extremely thin, they have very small gills.

They also have black eyes. Also they have a curved back fin

that is blue and black on some and on others they have yellow

and light blue fins.

Where does a Blue Tang live?

A Blue Tang lives in the ocean by the coral reefs. You can find


and Indian ocean. Their homes are

these tall yellow things that curve


a wide range of the Pacific

How long does a Blue Tang


A Blue Tang lives up to 8 - 20 years and that is a long time

for them. Some of them don't even live up till 8 years old because

they get eaten. But they are not going to be extinct any time

soon because there are millions of them on the planet.

Are Blue Tangs aggressive?

Blue Tangs are not aggressive to other Blue Tangs but against other types of fish they are very aggressive. Of cause Blue

Tangs do not mess with shark because who's more lightly to

win! It would be the shark who wins because the shark woud

eat the Blue Tang up.

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