micrososciety week 1 : scarcity

During our first week of micrososciety we talked about scarcity. Scarcity is when you have less material/products than the people that want/need it. Scarcity isn't about how much material/product you have, it's about if there is enough for everyone who needs it.

Also, we read about the planet of Just Enough. It had just enough food and material as there were more of the more popular, and less of the least popular. But as all in all stories something goes wrong. The planet wasn't being cared for properly and soon the soil became poisonous and there wasn't enough food for everyone. Soon people began suggesting ways to sort this out. But all of the suggestions just made sure they got the more luxury things rather than just a small shelter with just bread and water. The highest ranked officer suggested the higher rank you are, the more food you get. One military officer suggested people fight it out with shock - guns.

A proffessor suggested the smartest people get the luxury items. As you can see they all suggested things they were good at, or just the most likely to get the real deal. As for what they decided, we don't know yet...

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it as it was hard work remembering what happened and to tell it differently, rather than just copy the exact sentence.