The Great Fire Of Greenford

Just four days ago I had the most exciting minute of my life but also one of the saddest!!! I will explain... before the half-term holidays we had been set a task to make our very own handmade tutor houses. The purpose was that we were going to burn them.I guess you must be thinking why. We were going to set them up in flames so that we would experience a similiar type of feeling to the people during The Great Fire Of London .So after the half-term I brought in my model of a tudor house.When the day came I started to get a bit upset even before the before the first match was struck. Firstly,the fire started by Mrs Tigg and Mr Odeesho lighting matches and pouring on white spirit, whilst trying to set the houses on fire. It was then I thought, that it was going to be boring! But once they had got the fire started to burn , I could witness Albie's Thomas Farriner's bakery being destroyed before my eyes.The fire was already spreading after a few seconds.... including the house that I had so lovingly painted and decorated. That was then the fire started climbing into the air. Now I was starting to choke on the fumes, which reminded me that in a piece of information I read it which said that people had died because of chocking on fumes and not necessarily by being burned alive! The flames were now becoming aggressively violent as they destroyed everything in their path. Houmy life but also one of the saddest!!! I will explain... before the half-term holidays we had been set a task to make our very own handmade tutor houses.The purpoes was that we were going to burn them.I guess you must be thinking why. We were going to set them up in flames so that we would experience a similiar type of feeling to the people during The Great Fire Of London .So after the half-term I brought in my model of a tudor house.When the day came I started to get a bit upset even before the before the first match was struck. Firstly,the fire started by Mrs Tigg and Mr Odeesho lighting matches and pouring on white spirit, whilst trying to set the houses on fire. It was then I thought, that it was going to be boring! But once they had got the fire started to burn , I could witness Albie's Thomas Farriner's bakery being destroyed before my eyes.The fire was already spreading after a few seconds.... including the house that I had so lovingly painted and decorated. That was then the fire started climbing into the air. Now I was starting to choke on the fumes, which reminded me that in a piece of information I read it which said that people had died because of chocking on fumes and not necessarily by being burned alive! The flames were now becoming aggressively violent as they destroyed everything in their path. Hours of people's efforts w as destroyed in a minute! How devastating it must have been for people to see their houses and workplaces during the original Great Fire. What a memorable that everyone will remember for a very long time. rs of people's efforts was destroyed in a minute! How devastating it must have been for people to see their houses and workplaces during the original Great Fire. What a memorable that everyone will remember for a very long time.