Chapter 1: The Dawning Trip

BEEP! BEEP! blared James' alarm clock. As he yawned, James remembered that today was the day he had been looking forward to for the whole of year six. The class trip to the RAF museum.

Ever since he had learned to talk, he was fascinated by aeroplanes, especially the ones from the Second World War. He loved the spitfires: soaring and twisting, diving and pirouetting like a hawk. He had hundreds of toy planes, which he loved playing with.

So later, James got dressed; ate his breakfast and started his journey to school.

"I can't wait," exclaimed James excitedly. It was a bright and radiant day; the sun was a diamond in the sky.

"Well we're nearly there dear. I will let you take five pounds, that should be enough to buy some lunch and a magnet," replied his mum.

"But Mum, they have a brand-new, state-of-the art Spitfire pilot simulator."

"Well, we can take you for your birthday."

"My birthday is in July and it's the middle of February."

"Sorry dear but you'll have to wait, it's probably very expensive anyway."

"Fine!" James retorted, and that was that.
