
Week Beginning 18th January Home Learning



This home learning is designed to be completed over the course of the

week. Take a look below and each day try to complete:

  1. A Maths task
  2. An English task
  3. Either Science, Topic or P.E or R.E

Ask your parents to take photographs of your work and email them to your teachers once during the week.

Task: Complete a reading comprehension on Read Theory.

Watch the 'One for All' clip by clicking on the picture above here and complete one

or more of the tasks below:

Task: Create a poster advertising one or all of the bean cans.

Task: Write a diary entry for the first time Geoff realizes he needs beans for one.

Task: Draw a comic strip of what happens in the story.

Task: Create your own new beans can. Draw a picture and write about it.

Task: Earn some stars on Doodle Maths.

Task: Learn all the 2D shapes on page 4 of the blog and test

yourself on page 5.

Task: From Tuesday onwards, click on the link and

work on the shape and space booklet.

Task: From Tuesday onwards, complete 3D colouring activity.


Task: Make a pirate out of craft or playdough

Task: Make a Pirate ship out of lego

Our Science Topic this half term is Animals and their needs

The focus for this week is how humans grow.

Task: Read through the Growing and Changing PowerPoint.

Task: Complete Growing and Changing mini booklet.