"See what kind of love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God;and so

we are!

This quote is telling me that God is our shepherd and we are the sheep because he loves us with all our heart. This makes me feel that God is my dad [Father] and also I really feel happy on the inside so if it wasn't for God I wouldn't even be in the earth.

I have chosen the picture / symbol of God because I really want God to touch my heart and be there with me in any times of trouble and if you ever did a sin God will always forgive you that's

why you should be kind because you don't want other people to be rude to you.

From the quote , I think that it is telling me to love other people as I want to be loved because when I be rude I think why are other people being rude to me? But when I be nice I get what I
