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Blwyddyn Newydd Dda

Welcome back to you all, hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year. I can’t believe my first term at Blaenymaes has gone so quickly and now we are onto the Spring Term and lots more exciting activities for the children to enjoy.

This term our topic is Plants and Animals and we will be finding out how they are different and the same. We will also be learning about the things that plants and animals need to keep them alive and will be spending some time outside (as long as it doesn’t rain) finding out what plants and animals are living in our area.

For Literacy this term we will be starting by doing Instruction writing, something which the children are already very good at. We will also be writing reports about animals and plants and using the internet to research new facts to use in our writing.

We will be doing a DT project this term where we will design and make healthy sandwiches. We are very lucky to have Warburtons coming into school to give us a sandwich making workshop on Wednesday 21st January and we will also be visiting Tesco to find out about the different sandwiches that are available and how they are packaged.

Things to remember

* PE will be on Thursdays and we will also have Zumba on Friday. Please can you send in PE kit

on the Thursday and leave it in school until Fridays session.

* Reading books and home school books are needed in school every day. They will be changed

twice a week, when they have read to Mrs Comley and on a Friday. Please can you support

your children by listening to them read on a regular basis and writing a comment in their home

school books.

* Homework is sent out on Mondays and needs to be completed on Fridays. Please encourage

your child to complete their homework as it is work that we are covering in class at the


If you have any queries or want to find out more about the work we are doing this term, please feel free to come and chat to me at the end of the day.


Mr S Tucker