For the challenge this week please talk with your child about your family traditions and customs during the holiday period. Please then let us know by posting your answers on the blog. We look forward to reading them.

We would like to remind you that next week Foundation 1 (Nursery) will not be in on the morning of Tuesday 15 th December. It is the Christmas Party and the F1 children will need to come in at 1pm until 3:15pm, wearing their party clothes. Foundation 2 (Reception) will be in as normal on that day and are also asked to come in wearing their party clothes. Please remember to send in the party food indicated on the Christmas Party letter.

During the holiday please look at and comment on your child’s target sheet, we will be collecting them in the New Year.

The children can bring in a small, non-electrical toy on the last day of term.

Thank you again for your support at the Christmas Stay and Play, we have raised over £130 for the Foundation Unit.

*F2Parents: The phonics home study books have now been collected in until after Christmas. Thank you for your support, you can have a well-deserved rest for a bit!

Christmas Fun!