Healthy Eating

Sometimes, you only want to eat snacks that are quick and easy to make, however, eating healthy will benefit you more because it gives you vitamins and energy!

        School Lunches

Many children go to School and eat unhealthy lunches. In your lunch you should have some type of fruit, water, a

sandwich(not filled with sugary spreads such as Nutella or chocolate), and maybe a yoghurt based on fruit e.g. raspberry, peach, strawberry yoghurt and more.Don't consume alot of sugary food as it leads to diabetes.

Many people are eating unhealthily because they are not fully educated on healthy eating. To help those around you, you could make a Blog on the same topic and show different ways that you could still eat the things you love but healthier. If you know someone that is very fond of eating unhealthy foods; encourage them so that they can help others.

You can also help the children in your School and make a difference in the way they used to eat. In addition, you could talk to your Teacher and recommend more fruit to be given out. How could you encourage people around you to eat in a more healthier manner? You could make a difference in your community and maybe the World!