Killer Cat's Christmas Book Review:

I like killer cat's christmas because of the fact that it is suitable for older and younger kids. The characters in the book are: Ellie, Tuffy, Lancelot, Lucilla, Mum, Dad and Uncle George. Tuffy (the killer Cat) is the main character of the story he is interesting because he likes to make trouble and lots of big messes! My favourite character is Ellie. I like Ellie because she is a inspiring person and treats Tuffy like her child, by showing care and compassion to him. The Villian in the story (according to Tuffy) is Uncle George. Uncle George is mean to Tuffy and doesn't like him living with Ellie's family. Lancelot and Lucilla are Ellie's cousins. Lancelot likes to bully Tuffy, like his dad (Uncle George). Lucilla, on the other hand likes to play with Tuffy and Ellie. Unlike her father and brother.


4 Out Of Five