Dear friends and teachers,

The reason we are staying in

our houses is because of the “Coronavirus” COVID-19.

Our prime minister Boris Johnson, doesn’t want us to spread this

disease to everyone so we stay inside.Our prime minister has

announced a lockdown for England on 24th March 2020.

Now I am going to tell you my

daily life and how it works during this challenging time. Are you ready?

I wake up at 9am and I get

ready for breakfast, when I finish my breakfast I go and have some

playtime,for example: going on my laptop and play games online with

my friends. When Iam with my friends online I have so much fun

because we always play games which are very, very, very hilarious,

however some of my friend’s games are a bit boring.

I go on my laptop for a few hours and then I do something else.

When it’s 12 O’clock I do home learning online and on pieces of paper. Home learning is similar to school which has the following subjects: literacy, maths, history, RE, topic, PSHCE, reading and science. What I think is better for me is school that I go to because we can all meet our friends, teachers and maybe family friends too! What do you prefer?          


When I finish my learning I go back on my laptop and play with my friends until lunch is made.

Around 5pm lunch is ready. We enjoy our lunch and have some time together. After lunch I continue playing, chatting and talking till 7pm.Then I do some exercise to stretch my body up like: colouring, playing with my dad or my family and small

activities for an hour.


After, I relax my brain and body and read my book for an hour while drinking my milk. I go to the bathroom and make myself ready to go to bed.

I am eager to know how your days look like too!


Yours sincerely,

